' The Omega Connection - omega.htm

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Click here for.... Welcome to Omega. May you enjoy your visit

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A Midnight Mist.... by Mel Webb

A Midnight Mist, an original composition by Mel Webb

So you thought the Titanic was the greatest maritime disaster in the history of mankind. Think again. Check this new page below. Omega's most challenging project to date... and ongoing!.

The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff - Updated weekly!

Updated 23 July 98 - Great new photographs here

Armchair sailors... Sail beautiful Desolation Sound in British Columbia. From the logbook of Y-Knot... a 93-day cruise in sailor's paradise.

The Master Music Menu is back online!

By popular request..... the Concerts in the Park and the Christmas Concert are back on line. Click logos below for quick access and... check the 'free offer' further down.....

Her name was Tenika.... She will never be forgotten.

Latest Compunews Newsletter summer edition now available

Check my new Page of Rings

There is no roaming around the country for us this summer.... we are hosting our eight-year old grandson for three months! He has promised to write a logbook describing his summer with grandpa and grandma. Oh... the good news is... "he came with 'batteries included!'. Live the adventure! If you visit his site, please do sign his guestbook. That will make his day!

My summer with grandpa and Grandma

New 12 June 98 - Updated daily

Visit this page... for latest in Software & Hotlinks
Updated weekly! Replaces Compuflash Bulletins

Updated 6 June. Great Software!

Frank Sinatra
1915 - 1998
Special Tribute

Please help spread the good word around. If you like this site, tell a friend, or two or more. It only takes a minute or two and they will thank you, as I do. Thanks.

In addition to this opening page, the following features have been translated. Several Concerts in the Park; the Welcome and Whats New pages; the Titanicpage and my Biography page. Enjoy!


Frequent visitors.... Please check here first for New and Updated pages


Compunews Issue V4N3 - Summer Issue


Free Offer - Check this out

Listen to the concerts in the comfort of your home - Offline!

Official Moomoo Cap. Your pet will want one. It's free!

They will make you cry... they will make you laugh.... they will not leave you unmoved! The 'Dairy Tale to end all Dairy Tales... the fascinating saga of Pogo and Moomoo. Have a pet with a 'problem'... There's the 'Dear Abbay Moo's Column' ..... and so much more. Gather all your furry little friends around and quick.... run, don't walk to this latest feature..... Click on Opening Page button below.. Fantastic moosic is also awaiting you!

One of the little furry friends

Several Master Menus are Available

Surf Omega from the fast lane

Over 250 titles listed here

Or.. Try This New, Fast Menu

Is there any other life?  Retired from RCAF  ra... ra... ra...

Come fly with me....

with ramblings from an old flyer...

Is there any other life?  Retired from RCAF  ra... ra... ra...

Omega Kool Page

Some winners.... pages featured in Omega

All pages featured in Omega

You can now search The Omega Connection site! Try it.... it works just great. For example....... you know you once heard the song 'Anitra' but you just don't remember which concert it was featured in. Type Anitra in the search box and Bingo! It will lead you to the right Concert.

Here's another good example. You remember reading a nice article entitled The Russian Chronicles in one of the 27 newsletters published by Omega. But which one was it? Try searching for Russia. And voila! Kool

HotBot Search for

Hilarious..... Just  Hilarious!

You Gotta See That!

Come sing along with me....

Gather friends around... come sing with me.

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This page has been accessed times since 25 Aug 97

Till we meet again....
Till we meet again Au Revoir

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Jewel Box by Kitty's Musical Credits: Misc bars & buttons by ART ala Carte
Opening page background Graphic obtained here

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