All new and updated pages will now be listed here. With over 200 pages on this site, there are always some being updated. Some of the new features are temporary in nature and may only be listed here and not on the 'regular' menus. The best way to be notified automatically whenever anything new happens at Omega is to fill the form at bottom of page... It's automatic and... it's free!
New 27 August 98
One big change has been implemented: One menu will let you cruise through the entire site AND select any musical number among the hundreds available. Older menus scattered all over the site will be removed, thus allowing faster loads. Please let me know if you like this new setup. The menus will be updated as new features are added/upgraded etc. It is recommended (a) that you bookmark this new menu page and, (b) that you open it in a separate page so it is always available.
New 18 June 98
A new feature has been implemented on June 1st, 1998. What to do with an eight year old grandson visiting for three months? Easy... you make him keep a logbook of all his activities. If you do visit his pages, as I hope you will, please sign his guestbook. It will make his day! You can see his page right here!
New 26 May 98
Much has been happening this last month. Following Frank Sinatra's death on May 14th, our Musical Tribute to Frank Sinatra feature received over 60,000 visitors within the first six days! All entries in the Book of remembrance will be forwarded to the family.
There has been a complete reorganization of the Omega site. Because of the growing size of the various features, a new mirror site has been obtained and the most popular features have been transferred to it. The site is at Tripod and the account has been opened so that there are NO annoying commercial banners shown when you visit. The following features are now located at Tripod: The Wilhelm Gustloff Tragedy; the Concerts in the Park and the Christmas at Omega Concert The various menus scattered throughout the site are now being updated to reflect the new changes. Please give those features a try at their new home and amend your bookmarks to the new address. Thank you.
New 22 April 98
Just one small addition to Omega but an important one! Start the day with the latest news . See the banner immediately following the opening logo. Under the 'Local' headline headings, I will include the latest pages added or updated at Omega. Try it... it's easy and... enjoy!
New 21 April 98
I recently experienced a major computer crash which explains all the snafu you may have recently experienced while visiting Omega. I now have a new computer but, unfortunately, I have lost all my e-mail files. If you wrote me since 1 March... please send me a short note so I can have your e-mail address.
Most of the musical pages have been reloaded, including the new Master Musical Menu. The Tribute to Frank Sinatra has been moved to another server (see main page). Due to space consideration, the archived versions of the Concerts will be removed from the server on April 25th 1998. If you should want a copy, please e-mail me and I will make special arrangements. Thank you for your understanding and I hope you will continue to visit Omega.
New 26 March 98
Armchair sailors... Sail beautiful Desolation Sound in British Columbia. From the logbook of Y-Knot... a 93-day cruise in sailor's paradise.
New 21 March 98
Please read this for details on a major breakthrough at Omega.
A funny thing happened on the way to the Forum. While checking my server's statistics I was most surprised to find that visitors had attempted to log in the inoperative Christmas Concert! An average of 75 did so, on a daily basis. VOX POPULI !
In view of the obvious demand, I have uploaded the Christmas Concert! What visitors to Omega want, visitors to Omega get. Enjoy the Christmas Concert 98/99'
New 9 March 98
Do not miss our latest Concert in the Park featuring Margi Harrell. New graphics layout and a great selection of numbers guaranteed to please you. Includes a biography of our guest artist and a lead to one of the nicest and jazziest shareware Jukebox program available. See you at the concert.
Please Note - Help Wanted I am presently working on a new feature which will tell the story of the worst maritime disaster in human history. No... it is not the Titanic! Check the details here
Updated the Software page.
New 7 March 98
The Birthday Page has been completely redone with a new set of great graphics and assorted goodies. It also includes a special offer (free, of course). Check it out!
New 1 March 98
It's been a busy two weeks since the last update. The big news of course is that I have begun translating the major pages to five additional languages: German, French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish! I had received several requests from visitors to do so and here's the result. Granted, some of the translation results can at times be hilarious but, most agree its better than reading the info in a language which is totally alien to them. I hope you like it. More and more pages will be added on a weekly basis.
The other big news: I have implemented a new search facility from the main opening page. Looking for 'anything' within the Omega site? Give it a try. It works and it's fast. See the main opening page for details.
New 12 Feb 98
If only to prove you can't be right 'all' the time, I received a letter where the author pointed out several inaccuracies regarding my thoughts on Morgan Robertson's novel "Wreck of the Titan". He was right and I am pleased to set the record straight. See his letter HERE. Every Titanic 'fan' should read his letter!
New 3 Feb 98
The Birthday Party to end all Birthday Parties... And a chance to thank a great fella for his never ending contribution to the Internet community. See you all at the Party
New 25 Jan 98
Attention Flight Simmers! You will want to check this new page as it discusses one of the latest and hottest add-on to hit the Flt sim world.
Updated the Newsletters Index page
New 23 Jan 98
The following two pages were updated on this day. Flight Sim Links and Latest News in Flight Sim World
New 21 Jan 98
With so many pages to wander through I thought it was time I 'updated' my Main Index. Have a peek at it right here. Enjoy and good nav!
I long had been looking for a guestbook which was fast and allowed visitors to enter their e-mail and URL. I have found it and... it's free! I will leave my current book for a while until this one has been tested out. Won't you please help me test it by signing it now? Thanks.
New 20 Jan 98
Kool Site of the Day. Updated 12 jan 98
Do not miss our Latest Jewel Award winners. Updated 12 jan 98
TITANIC My humble contribution to this ongoing saga.
The Vault New feature. Menu describing files accessible to 'password' holders. More on this feature coming up in the near future. January feature: Lost tourist in Paris. See The Vault for the current password for this article and... enjoy your visit to Paris.
Tribute to Frank Sinatra To help welcome our 25,000th visitor, new selections have been added on 11th Jan 98
Midi Consortium The Award winning Midi Consortium is now fully operational. Check it out for the best in Midi music.