As always, music sequences have been especially chosen to provide a nice, soft background as you read this issue of Compunews. My special thanks to those nice people who produce such beautiful music so the rest of us can enjoy.
Parting Remarks
This Newsletter is the HTML version of the Compuflash Bulletin which was e-mailed to subscribers of the Bulletin. If you wish to subscribe to the (free) Compuflash Bulletins, please click here. and fill out the short form. A welcoming message should then reach you minutes after sending your submission.
Get the Past Issues Past issues of the Compuflash Bulletins are also available. They are listed in reversed chronological order. This will allow you to find any topic using the search function of your browser. Most of the topics are still very much current!
Current issues in HTML format

New Additional Site for Omega
As part of the major improvement program going on at Omega, a new site has been added at Tripod. And.... there are no annoying 'advertisement banners' ! The following main features have been transferred there: The Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff , the Concerts in the Park and the Christmas Concert. The Concerts in the Park are also available at the main Omega site.
In addition, the tripod site will host the Musical Tribute to Frank Sinatra and, a new feature called My Summer with Grandpa's and Grandma.
Updated daily
Update on the Wilhelm Gustloff Feature
Work is progressing on this new major feature at Omega. Several pages and photographs have been added. Recently, my wife and I had the great pleasure to welcome one of the survivors of the Gustloff in our home. I learned several new facts about this terrible tragedy and some of the information will be posted shortly to the Net.
Record Hits at Omega
The special feature a Musical Tribute to Frank Sinatra registered a record 50,000 'hits' in the two-week period following his death. And thousands signed the 'Book of Rememberance'. A fitting tribute indeed to a great man.
Problems with the Mailing List
If you normally received Compuflash Bulletins via e-mail but have not heard from me in a while, it signifies that yours was among the e-mail addresses I have lost when my computer crashed. Please re-apply to receive the bulletin by using the form shown above. I have 'rebuilt' the mailing list using addresses gleaned from past correspondence but this is a long process and I am still short some 600 'past' subscribers. Please help me rebuild the list by passing the word around.... Thanks.
About this Issue
This special 'Summer Edition' of the Compunews Newsletter is the largest issue ever published. I have included every program of note I have tested and/or installed during the past few months. I believe there is something in it for everyone, whether you are new to the Internet or you are an old pro. I would appreciate your comments, either via the Guestbook or through a personal e-mail message.
Special 'summer type' music is included for your enjoyment.

While strolling through the Park
arr. Thomas N. Thurston

And this takes care of the nitty-gritty! As always, I welcome your comments. If you have written me recently and are wondering why I did not answer, please send me a short e-mail message. I thus will be able to 'recoup' your address and will reply... Now, on with the goodies!

Close Up
Tired of 'closing' those annoying popping banner windows from Geocities and Tripod? This little jewel will do it for you and, automatically! Works with both Internet explorer and Netscape too.

Cyber Sky
Children will love this one. Basically, it transforms the computer screen into a planetarium. They will explore the sky not only in the past and present but also into the future. They can even animate the displayed objects; it's like a movie! There is a version available for Windows 3 and one for the Win95
The Mighty Ducks
This is a puzzle featuring the Might Ducks! What makes this puzzle a little different is the fact it 'keeps shifting' and this folks can tax your patience! It also has a timer and, good news: three settings. Even the 'easy' setting is not that easy. 
Dinosaurs... more Dinosaurs.
This is a 'find a match' type of game and all the dinosaurs are there... Meet Rex the Tyrannosaurus and Derik the Dinosaur and their friends. Just plain fun for children ages 5-9. 
In the early days of computers we used to pay a bundle for software such as this one and they were so primitive! This is one 'educational-type' program no one should be without. It is a world atlas and database. Navigate in the world map, and get precise figures and information about 200 countries, including their national anthem! And it is up to date. If you are a dedicated 'flightsimmer' as I am, you will find this program a great help when flying intercontinental flights. And, if you have children of school age at home, then it becomes a near necessity!

Ultimate Language Tutor
Looking for a good summer project? Planning to travel to foreign lands? Here is a nice Language Tutor that will terst your skills in french, German, English, Italian and Spanish! You can even print a word list and take it with you to practice 'on the fly'. 
Computer Tutor for Win 95
New to the Internet and to Windows 95? Here is a complete tutorial book on the subject you will want to have sitting in your computer. It is a huge file (6.8MG) but it is worth the download. The course covers everything from the basics of a computer/Internet to dedicated apps such as MS Word, MS Works, Winzip95, MS Excel, Netscape and much more. The document is in HTML format and includes over 500 graphics! 
Electronic Picture Books
What you can find on the Internet these days is simply incredible. Here is a series of books of such high quality, it boggles the mind. Each book is a rather large download but it is definitely worth the effort. They require WINPLUS RUNTIME to work and you can get this right here Check all the titles available at the author's homepage. I downloaded all titles and spent many happy hours reading to my grandson. Quality time! Because of their relatively large size I recommend you download and try one before getting the lot! My hunch is you will get them all.
V Tuner
I could write pages on this one! If ever an application was fun to use, this is the one. You will need the latest version of RealAudio © to take full advantage of this jewel but believe me, it is worth it. It is the sleekest and most dependable 'Radio on the Net' app I have ever come across. I strongly suggest you get all the details here first then
You also can get the latest RealAudio player (Ver 3) here.
Audio Wiz
There's a new kid on the block! There was realAudio and now there's Audio Wiz. Get the latest news updated every 15minutes off the air. Get all the details at Audio Wiz Homepage. The program is rather large (3.9Meg) but it downloaded very fast, even with a 28KB modem (less then 15 mins.). Once you have installed AudioWiz, you then go to the Audio Highway Library Index and you enjoy! Another toy!
Thinking Music
You have heard of Karaoke... But what if you would like to sing along with Giuseppe Verdi's Aida Grand Finale? Well.... this superk Karaoke player will let you do so. The lyrics are included along with an English translation. The Aida number is over eleven minutes long and there are several other well known operatic and classical selections included in the package. A most interesting player indeed! 

Summer of 42
arr. by Don Carroll
Super Charger
You have to try this program to believe it. Not everyone enjoys a T1 connection and any program which helps speed up our online connection is welcome. This is one of them. Among the claimed benefits are: speed FTP downloads up to 3 times faster, load web pages up to 14 times faster, upload e-mail up to 10 times faster, and increases efficiency of your computer memory up to 300%. I now have been using this feature-packed program for two months and, unless I am dreaming, all the claimed features work! 
Neo Planet
There is MS Explorer and Netscape then, there is Neo Planet.
Whether you are new to the Internet or you are an old hand at it, this little jewel of a browser is guaranteed to make your day. I said 'little' because of its size (less than 800K) but it is big in features and, best of all.... it is free. Access over 500 sites in less than three clicks. And you can also customize it to your own interests. Now... with Neo Planet, surfing the Net can really be fun. Check this one out. 
Under Construction
Here is an extremely powerful yet easy to use HTML editor. It allows you to create webpages with no knowledge of HTML code, teaching and guiding you along the way to create the coolest webpages. Includes 30 JavaScripts, 20 Java applets and 200 animated gifs. Major features include: Tag-highlighting, The webPage assistant, Document conversion, Table wizard, HTML tools, FTP support, Real-time preview, templates, WYSIWYG editing, Spell checking, Tag hints, Server Side Includes, Image Viewing, Jscript editor, Drag'n'Drop links, Netscape/I.E. bookmarks, Inbuilt web browsers and an additional HTML and Style Sheet reference. Shareware. Get the details here. Or else, 
Here's one of those utility applications you wondered how you ever did without. It will save you much repetitive typing. Read all the details at the author's page . Two versions are offered: one is nag-free, non time-limited but offers less features than the 'Pro' version, which is time-limited to 30 days. After this period, it continues to fully operate but contains some nag-screens. Your choice.
If you have not tried getRight yet i highly recommend you do. Of all the 'Registered' toys I have in my magic box, I found GetRight to be the most valuable in many respects. Since 'registering my copy, I have, according to getRight's statistics, downloaded 354 files for a total of 1040 MBytes and saved from re-downloading over 85 MB of files. All this within a month! Check out the details at their Homepage .
Solar System
There are several good apps out there with the title 'Solar System' but they all are in 2D. This one is the exception to the norm in that it is 3D! And this makes a big difference. Check the details at the author's homepage or, 
The Virtual Galaxy Project
With such a title, you can expect a large program and this one is folks: over 7.5 MGytes (in compressed form!) But this is expected of a program which allows you to navigate the Milky Way Galaxy! The entire database includes over 91,000 stars! Get all the details at the author's homepage or, simply 
Short name... powerful program. This is a professional astronomy planetarium & star mapping program. I recommend you first visit the author's homepage and get all the details. The author also offers a number of add-in plugins which make this program even more powerful than it already is. Or, you may just

Summer Place
arr. by Don Carroll
Personal Information Manager (PIM).
RedBox Organizer is an elegant, multi-featured, excellent Personal Information Manager (PIM). The colorful toolbar gives you instant access to a full-featured Calendar, To-Do, Planner, Contacts, Notes, Link, Anniversary, Reports, Reminders and Phone Dialer. Unlike other huge and slow programs, RedBox uses very little memory, making it quick and excitingly responsive. This latest release features Web Publishing Tool, Shared Data, Network Workgroup Messaging, Password features and more. Check it out at the author's homepage. or
. .
The Thinking Man's Minefield
This site is aptly-named. If you are looking for good, solid and useful software at the right price (it's free!) then pay a visit to this site. There you will find small, and not so small utilities you will use every day. I will not steal the author's thunder by attempting to describe all the goodies he has available for your picking. Be bold and find out for yourself. Pay a visit to The Thinking Man's Minefield. You won't regret it. While there, make sure to visit his Shareware Page and have a good look at his Thesaurus! One of the best!
Yankee-Clipper Plus
I have used many clipboard capture programs in my day and I found Yankee Clipper Plus the best, bar none. Check all the details at the author's homepage or, if in a hurry,
now .
I know what you're thinking "No! Not another replacement for Notepad!" This one is 'it!'. You will not need another one. First, you download it; you unzip it; you rename the program (there's only one EXE file) notepad.exe then... you copy it to your c:\windows folder, overwriting the original, low-featured notepad.exe. Voila! It automatically configures itself as the default read-it all app and all you have left to do is enjoy it! And it's almost free. See the details at the author's homepage... It even comes in eight language versions! Check it all out, you won't regret it.
Second Copy
There is nothing like a major catastrophic computer crash to make one look for the best, most powerfuyl yet easy-to-use backup utility. Folks.... this si the one. It has a mile long list of features and check them out first at the author's homepage . Or you can just
. But I suggest you get the details first. There are just too many!
Do you surf at work?
If you are one of the 'few' who kill time while at the office by 'surfing the Net', this little jewel may come in handy someday.... it sits on your task bar and when the supervisor comes along, you hit it. It then completely erases all entries in your documents list so no one can prove where'd you'd been those last two hours!
You place this little jewel in the system tray and, with a right click, load up to ten programs at the same time. A real time saver!
CPU Cooler
Your CPU fan cannot keepup? Cool your CPU with this little gadget which can decrease your CPU temperature by up to 30C! Easy to install and use. As I write this, the program tells me I it is saving an average of 60% of current! Less current... cooler running! Give it a try.
Web Ferret
One of the best 'search utility' there is.
Canadian Morgage Calculator
Thinking of buying a house? This Canadian Mortgage Calculator will come in handy. 
Wishing you a great summer!

I much value your feedback. Please let me know what you think of this issue. Your comments will be acknowledged. Thanks

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