Memories..... I was fortunate enough to grow up in Montreal in the days when life seemed so much more relaxed, when citizens regularly took time to sit in the park and listen to what was then known as a 'Concert in the Park'. Thanks to some philanthropist, Montreal, as many other large cities, offered those free concerts during the warm summer months.
Given that most performing bands were military bands drawn from local regiments, air force and naval bases, it stood to reason that the program included several regimental marches and so on. But the classics were not forgotten. Nor were the popular songs of the day; after all, it was the forties and it was not unknown to see the crowd break into an impromptu sing-along.
We are now well into the nineties and fast approching the new milleneum. Life is much more hectic. We seldom take the time to bend down and smell the flowers, to sit in the park and listen to a concert. And even if we wanted to do so, we'd sit in which park? What with the universal downsizing of everything that is good, concerts in the park went the way of the dodo bird. What a shame. But, for some of us lucky enough to have lived in that period, long ago, we still have our memories to cherish.
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