What is the difference one might ask between a da Vinci portrait and a Beethoven symphony? None to speak of as both can give great enjoyment to millions of people. Which brings us to astronomy in that no painting can rival the sight of the rings of Saturn or the unbelievable sight of the milky way on a clear night.
Astronomy is one of those subjects which has always seemed to be better fit for others than ourselves but one does not need to be an astro physicist nor a rocket scientist to appreciate and enjoy the multitude of joys its study can provide.
What Happens on Jan 1, 2000?
As you know, there has been a lot of talk about what's going to happen to our computers when the clock ticks in the first second of year 2000! It is a matter of concern because most computers are not setup to 'take you beyond 31 Dec 1999' A reader just sent me the address to go to if this is a concern of yours (I have to admit I was concerned)
Go to the bottom of the page and click on "Other Date Related Links"
Click on "Year 2000 Patch for PCs" then click on "Year2000.zip" The patch called Year2000.exe and an explanatory file, called Year2000.txt, will be downloaded to your computer. In any case, it certainly makes for good reading.
You earned it... Take a cruise
You've been working hard and you deserve a rest so why don't you go for a nice virtual cruise around the Mediterranean. Embark here!
A day in Cybespace
I mentioned this site before. On February 8, 100 photographers from all over the world submitted images and captions for the first live-on-the-Net in an attempt to document the exploding electronic highway. Now that it has happened, drop in for a visit
Heard of RealAudio? Here comes competition...
At one time, there was RealAudio. You could listen to news, music etc in real time as it downloaded. But now, there is StreamWorks! Not only does it provide audio but also movies (full screen if you have the proper hardware, memory etc). It is quite fascinating. It works a little like the Internet Phone in that you log in 'servers' and off you go. There are browse and refresh buttons. I found it quite easy to install and I was listening to news and watching movies on the first try. Another indication of things to come! Check it out right here!
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