Another issue loaded with goodies for the connaisseur! Welcome to our twelth issue. How time flies when we're having fun. This is another'non-special' issue that has a bit of everything. If you have Netscape V2 and up, you may wish to try the 'Frames' version. It includes a `Links' page which is very much under construction but have a look anyway. This `Links' page will eventually include all the links ever mentioned in our newsletter issues, from day one! If you like browsing with some nice music in the background, just click here and enjoy your surfing through V2N12!
Every home with young children using the computer should have this site listed in their bookmarks!
Welcome to our site. This site is primarily to inform about what's out there for Windows 95. The following 1500+ links or so are designed to connect you with authors' sites of 32-bit, Windows 95 applications so you'll get more than just a short description, and avoid useless dowloads.
Cat lovers will simply love this page. Extremely well done and contains links to other good sites of interest.
The Cat Page
Just a few weeks ago, a good pal of mine asked me "How do you make a homepage". This is her early effort at it and it looks promising. She likes cats and she has several good links to the subject topic. Have a look.
Welcome to David Slack Speech Writing, Auckland, New Zealand. What's here? A speech archive, links to other speech collections, free help with your speech writing and the World Wide Web's first automatic wedding speech writer. Just what every budding toastmaster needs!
Need help writing your homepage. Would you believe there is 'personalized' help available for free? Goes to show how many dedicated people there are on the Net, ready to help. This site is loaded with good information, links etc. A 'must-visit' one.
Welcome to The Internet Chef, an electronic archive dedicated to the worship of food. If you are looking for cooking ideas you'll find them here. Full meals, snacks, candies, even tips and hints. The Internet Chef offers something for everyone. This is not your 'run of the mill' recipe site... Go visit, you'll see what I mean!
This site has it all.... graphics, cartoons, and even a Web Page Creating Guide. Watch this site as the weeks roll by because we will come up with a very interesting project involving Doug Brown's doodles and more... In the meantime, why not pay Doug a visit?
The purpose of this page is to provide information on how to easily apply advanced HTML and JavaScript to web pages with easy to follow coding and graphic examples. The web is a fast growing place, and it is very easy to fall behind the technology curve. Whether you are a pro or just starting to write your first page, this site will give you tips and tricks to
make your pages look great with some of the newest features of HTML and JavaScript. This page supports JavaScript!
Are you ready for something new in web serving? Are you a web author who doesn't want to or can't afford to pay for web space? We have the solution for you! Starting in August 1996, the OASIS Project will begin. We will be providing totally 100% FREE web serving for NEARLY EVERYONE!
This site should appeal to the game player. It contains a huge listing of 'cheat sheets' for games. Need I say more?
Hi everybody, I have decided to devote my home page to the most brilliant man that has ever existed, Walt Disney. Each month I will feature a different Walt Disney story
on my page. This month I will feature the story of The Lion King.
If you have young children, you should visit this page.An inspiration for bedside stories...
You're just a click away from FREE tips on any of the following topics!: Windows 95, Netscape Navigator. MS Internet Explorer, MS Office, Cool Web Sites, Software Bugs & Fixes, Shareware, and more? You can also complete a form, online, and each business day you'll receive the Netscape Navigator Tip of the Day via email. And it's free!
Take a break and visit a page that is 'different'. It opens with the following statement: "So, you stumbled upon OVI's "World of the Bizarre." These are shocking true stories. Some are dramatic, some just plain funny, and all of them are a little weird."
But wait... there is more. This site includes a resource for Web authors, especially those just starting out. You'll find useful examples and easy step-by step instructions of how to implement several Web tricks. Among others you'll find tutorials on how to create personalized backgrounds, add columns to your HTML documents, how to use client pull in Netscape and more. You'll also get to see beautiful 3-D images and experiments with JavaScript. A really well done page worthy of a bookmark!
Visit Australia and New Zealand. After making this journey, you will want to hop on a plane and do it for real.... Part of the famous travelogues series 'Travels with Samantha' Check my Travels section of `Links' for more of Samantha's Travels.
After visiting New Zealand with the above link, you may want for more and, here it is. You can opt for an illustrated tour of New Zealand or look into the Geography, Natural History, Environment of New Zealand, its History, People, Language and Culture and more. It also features certain pages in French and Deusth languages!
More links.... Also includes a good source of URL's where you can add your new chef d'oeuvre"
I long debated whether I should feature this site or not because, it is so comprehensive, it has so much good stuff, that you might be so busy surfing it, .... you just might forget to come back to the Omega Connection. Of course, you wouldn't do that now would you? Just in case, please bookmark Omega page before you go then, beam yourself to Bobaworld, the grand daddy of them all! And, enjoy!
If you would like to get an idea of what certain multimedia tools are like, the is asuperb site that will give you the chance to do just that! As quoted in the opening page:"The purpose of this tour is to provide you with guidance on the various multimedia technologies and products, using many of the products themselves, so that you can better understand and assess the available options, both by learning about them, and also more importantly by experiencing many of them first-hand.