Compunews Vol 2 No 11

Warm Welcome

Welcome to our eleventh issue. How time flies when we're having fun. This 'non-special' issue has a bit of everything. If you like browsing with some nice music in the background, just click here and enjoy your surfing through V2N11!

Free Computer Calendar

Calendar Plus, a well known application now offers a free copy of their popular calendar. Includes screen saver. You can download several beautiful photos from their site with new ones added monthly. Calendar also includes several features such as a to-do list, a rolodex, a schedule module and more.

The Pointcast News Network

The PointCast Network is a personalized news network and you're the head of programming. PCN content is custom tailored to your needs and automatically delivered to your desktop. You can either "tune in" to the network whenever you need the latest breaking news, or when your computer goes to "sleep", PointCast's patent-pending SmartScreen� technology automatically kicks in, replacing your screen saver with an up-to-the-minute presentation of breaking headlines.

So much could be said about this application that it could fill an entire issue of Compunews. There are many 'news delivery' programs available but this one is quite different. It has to be experienced. The download time is still excrutiatingly slow (in the order of 600/800 b/sec) but this is surely bound to be improved upon soon.

The Daily News Delivered each Morning!

In the old days, one would read the daily paper and listen to the late night TV news broadcast and feel well informed. But no more. Given today's overwhelming avalanche of information available on the Net, one feels compelled to subscribe to all the news sites available. Unfortunately, no matter how fast a reader you are, it is near impossible to even begin to absorb what's thrown at you. But there is one service available that will deliver on your desk the past 24 hours' news. And it is free!

Need a Special Card for a Special Someone?

Is there a special person to whom you would like to send a special message? Perhaps a get-well card?, a singing birthday card?, an animated Easter card? Search no more You have found the right place! Because of the nature of the cards and the location of the site (Indonesia), the loading might be a little on the slow side, even at 28K but if you really want that person to receive your good wishes, you wouldn't mind now, would you?

For the Astronomy Buff

A 'must visit' site for any serious astronomy buff! Includes topics such as: brief tour of the universe; a Messier Database; Astronomical Images; SKY Online's Comet Page, covering all the latest news about comet Hyakutake (and other comets); links to the latest astronomy software and much more.

Randy's Windows 95 Resource Homepage

This has to be the ultimate in Windows 95 site. I invite you to go and find out for yourself.


There are calculators then there is Kalculator, the calculator to end all calculators or, as one once said "The Mother of Calculators!" I finally gave up and sent my slide rule to a museum!

MetaCrawler... a new Search Engine

There are some good search engines out there... so many in fact that it becomes more and more difficult to pick the right one for any given search. Then, there is the problem of 'redundancy'. Some of the more powerful engines will return twenty listings of the same 'hit'. But have faith... help has arrived.

A new search engine called 'MetaCrawler' actually searches the biggest Web's existing search engines, collates the returns, throws out the redundant sites and present them to you in a neat table. The engines used are AltaVista, Excite, Galaxy, InfoSeek, Inktomi, Lycos, WebCrawler and Yahoo! If you can't find what you're looking for with those eight... it might not be there!

MetaCrawler possesses several other high-value qualities, the chief one among them being that it is free of 'built-in' commercials and is intended to remain free. A search for 'Compunews' tuned up over 80 'hits', none of which were 'duplicate listings'! And the same results for 'The Omega Connection'.


If you have enjoyed this 'Quality time moment', why not drop me a line. I am always in search of new ideas so, if you have a special topic you would like to see covered at length, let me know.

That's it Folks !!!

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