Welcome to this special issue on Homepage Design and Graphics Sources. The aim here is to get you started on homepage design by leading you to a few links which in turn will open the door to dozens, if not hundreds, of other superb sites, all dealing with the subject at hand. Some of the sites featured in this issue represent those I found to be the most interesting in that they each cover a myriad of topics which by themselves should fill all your requirements
Other sites were included because they represent what I believe a well designed homepage should look like. As a twist, I even included a site `under construction' , the Chamberland's Family Site. The idea behind this is to have our subscribers to periodically visit the Chamberlands and note the changes to their homepage as they progress on their way to producing what I firmly believe will end up a contender for an award in design. To make it even more interesting, papa Chamberland has assured me he would more than welcome any comments and constructive criticism our readers would care to offer. So, here's our chance to help and I am sure, to learn something...
A superb source for high quality background graphics. A bookmark candidate!
A good example of a well-designed document is this "Little Planet Times" newsletter. Published by kids and for kids, it is extremely well done, pleasant to look at and informative to boot! This little gem includes all the sections normally found in 'grown-up' styles publications, such as entertainment, faces & places, where readers can make new friends and much more. A winner!