Adding attachments to the Comp-U-News is a result of requests made by several of our readers. Indeed, during the past year, hundreds of references to URL's were made in the text of the newsletters. In order to access those http:// and ftp:// references, readers had to individually cut and paste them into their browser (hopefully Netscape). How nice it would be, some wrote, if we could simply click on them and be on our way. Of course, converting the newsletter to an HTML format involves much more time and effort than simply writing them as text but, I had to agree with the majority of you that it would be so much nicer and expedient to have the newsletter published in HTML format. So it will be.
I would strongly suggest that you acquire the Eudora Version 1.5.2 (AKA Eudora Lite) and that you copy all incoming issues of the newsletter from the \EUDORA\sub-dir where they will be deposited by the Eudora program to a sub-directory under your \NETSCAPE\NEWSLTR sub-dir.
In order to keep the size of each issue to a reasonable level, these newsletters will not include any fancy graphics and doodads. Just good, useable gen! Several of my recommended sites include gorgeous graphics, sounds, multimedia and what have you. As in the past, what you will find in these newsletters will be facts, interesting sites to visit and what have you but, no graphics!
Another 'planned' improvement this year is to have a MAIN topic to be discussed in every issue. DigiCash will be one such topic and I am working on a couple more.
As always, I count a lot on feedback from my readers so don't be shy.... if you know of a good site or have a question which might interest others, just e-mail me and I'll gladly include your material in future issues. And now.... on with the show!
With real audio, you can hear, 'live' as it downloads into your computer Peter Jennings of ABC News and much more. Well, things are moving along so fast these days that you now can watch live 'videos' as it downloads. What's so fantastic about it you ask? Well, if you are running Windows 3.1.1 or Windows 95, and have a CD, you certainly must have played the video called Goodtimes. If you look at the size of that file, it is some 20 Meg large. Imagine loading a 20Meg file from the Net?
With the application listed below, you can actually watch the video as it downloads. And not only songs and movies either. I have tested this system to a great extent in the last week or so and I am amazed with what's available now and mostly with its potential. For the record, I use a 28KB modem but I have been told the reception is quite OK even on a 14K modem
The system is easy to install if you read the supplied instructions. Just like any other driver, this viewer must first be installed as a viewer into your Netscape browser. Very easy to do and the instructions are provided.
More Goodies |
The Scott List
One of the most comprehensive source of interesting sites on the Net is the Scott List. It includes over 20,000 listing of updated, recent sites on the Net. All are alphabetically listed undder appropriate topics. And the best part is... you can have that updated list RESIDENT right in your computer.
How to do it..
Download the file listed below (yes... 536K zipped, about 2.4 Meg unzipped) and unzip it into its own directory (c:\netscape\scott). When you want tu use it, load the file SCOTLIST.HTM et voila! The file SCOTT004.ZIP is so updated that it's dated 1JAN 96!!!! And I downloaded it on Dec 27th!! Go figure.
Get the Scott List (SCOTT004.ZIP 536k) here
If you have enjoyed this newsletter and you know of cyberpals who would also like to receive it, please add their e-mail address(s) here. and type NEW SUBSCRIBER in the subject line. They may even thank you for the thought!
If you have any question or comment, please click here.
One last comment.... All links on this page have been tested and work OK!
Enjoy. See you next issue! John
If you have enjoyed this 'Quality time moment', why not drop me a line. I am always in search of new ideas so, if you have a special topic you would like to see covered at length, let me know.