Compunews Vol 1 No 7 
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Hi everybody. Sorry about the delay in putting out this issue.... I got caught up in flying again! It had been months since I had last flown my preferred simulator (MS Flight Sim Ver 5.1 CD) then, while surfing, I came across this fantastic site which led the way to dozens of brand new 'scenery' files for that simulator. You guess the rest...... My C:\Fltsim5 directory is now filled with about 100 Meg of various goodies and if you don't hear from me for a while, look around 40,000 feet anywhere around the globe and you my catch my Learjet going from here to there and everywhere.
Christmas Season's Here
Well, Christmas is upon us and we are very fortunate to be on the Net at this time of the year. Especially those of us with children and/or grandchildren because there are some fantastic sites out there dealing with the Season! For a starter, try the following site. It will lead you to dozens if not hundreds of other sites. There is something for everybody in those sites and I suggest you surf most of them with the AUTOLOAD IMAGES turned on! Merry surfin.......
and click the "Holiday Extravaganza" icon.
Genealogy Fans
Everton's Genealogical Helper Is your own history a mystery? This magazine has been helping novice and experienced family-tree tracers for generations. Now it goes online with great links.
Printing in Eudora
Several readers have mentioned having problems printing out Eudora messages in that the printed version came 'multi-lined' with some lines having but one or two words etc.
To alleviate the problem, check the configuration of the Eudora and make sure both the Screen and Print fonts are the same. This works in both Versions 1.4 and 1.5.2 of Eudora.
Let's go flying.....
There are as many ways to use a computer as there are computers. Every computer owner has, at one time or other, tried one of the many flight simulator programs available. Most of them are very good. Simulators such as the military ones (Falcon, F14, Stealth etc etc) are fascinating but, after a while, one gets tired of 'shooting down' enemies that are no longer our enemies. Personally, I found the Microsoft Flight Simulator the most satisfying in that you actually do 'real' flying. Given the number of free (there's that magic word again) add-on applications available on the Net, it is simply incredible what you can do with that simulator.
For example, there is a scenery add-on now available that contains every single building, street etc of the city of New Delhi. That scenery file surpasses even commercial add-ons such as the Paris Scenery for FS5.x Why do I mention all this? Simply because if you should decide to fly that simulator I can lead you to the source of 100's megabytes of useful add ons.
With Christmas coming along, you might decide to ask Santa for that program. If you do, make sure to ask him to get you the CD version of MS 5.1 If you've been 'really' good this year, ask him to throw in a copy of the Flight Simulator Flight Shop program. Again, ask him for the CD version of that program. With the FSFS, you can actually fly all over the world under the control of Air Traffic Control. You get your directions via the speaker etc etc. (Naturally, you had asked Santa for a sound card last year, right?)
Well, the old Beech Baron is revving up on the runway and I gotta go....
See you soon, John

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