Compunews Vol 1 No 6 
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Hello everybody, I'm back! In this issue, you will find mostly a pile of software I recently tested. Some of the titles are so good, I just couldn't wait to share the finds with you all. Now, ain't that nice? Kidding apart, the shareware applications available these days is so good, they compete with most of the 'commercial' apps, and then some. See for yourself and download a few....
In most cases, I try to include the source where you can obtain the desired titles. On the few occasions where such an address is missing, try going to the following site and use their search function to locate the program in question. In most cases, you will find them there. The address is:
I would suggest you log this site in your bookmarks. You will go there often. And now, let's go to the goodies.....
Once in a blue moon, you come across that one application that 'makes your day', so to speak. Surfer Central is such a jewel! When I first came across that program, I was new to the Net and did not at the time appreciate it to its full value. Some months later, after having accumulated thousands of URL's, it bacame a maze. How to sort them out?
Surfer Central allows you, among other things, to manage all Internet addresses, including E-Mail, WWW, FTP, FSP, Gopher, Archie and Telnet, in a convenient and simple fashion. Each address contains fields that are unique to that site type. For example, E-Mail addresses contain a person's name, e-mail address, alias, snail mail address, etc. Field names are completely customizable which means that if you don't need that particular field, you don't have to list it.
Each site may be assigned a subcategory according to personal tastes. For example, a list of e-mail addresses could be separated into personal, business, and support contacts.
Site lists may be generated at the click of a button which is an excellent feature if you manage some sort of mailing list. The text header of each section of the site list is fully customizable.
You can actually use Surfer Central as an excellent shell for maintaining Winsock connections. At the touch of a button, you can launch your Winsock session manager (TCPIPMan) as well as theclient software associated with the site you have selected.
Keep on reading, the best is to come.... The version you download is limited to some extent. For example, you can import lists of URL's which later you can sort out into various categories. The best part is, the cost! I liked the program so much I couldn't wait and had to work with the real McCoy. Cost? A most reasonable $15.00. And, that Canadian $15.00 folks, not US$
I have not received my Register Code yet but I sure will keep you informed as I go along.. get your copy at the following address:
THEN, IT GETS BETTER.... if possible!
Another application that might make your day, if you are a real 'surfer' is one called "The IRD - Reader & Notebook" Now, this one is something else. It allows you to use the Internet Resources Database files available at several sites to build a very comprehensive Internet Resources guide on your Windows PC. To create a database pertinent to your interest you can select all or some of the "Internet by Resource Type" or the "Internet by Subject" files and append them in any combination and order to the database. You can add new information files becoming available in the future and you can reappend a file to update your existing data with the most current information.
With the powerful built-in "Notebook" function you can add all kinds of information you want to keep to the database for a quick and easy by topic or by keyword access. Even Web pages can be added to the database and conveniently recalled. Your notes and additions remain intact even when you append new files. While it is very nice to 'receive', it also gives a good feeling to 'give'. A submit function allows every user to contribute interesting information's very easy to the central IRD database, so that all users can benefit.
When I first installed the program, it just wouldn't work! I had downloaded a dozen or so of 'basic' databases to use with it and just couldn't. The documentation mentioned some problems you might expect if you used Windows 95 so I installed, and re-installed and.... As it turned out, the culprit was some old .DLL file that was resident in \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. Once deleted, it ran like a charm. Get that program and read the documentation before installing. It's awesome! get it at:
For those of you not using Eudora 1.5.2, you can get the latest copy of Pegasus Mail Ver 2.1.1 at: in /pub/pmail/
The Mariners' Museum
A collection of more than 35,000 maritime artifacts, 600,000 historic photographs and negatives, 75,000 volumes of books, and one million manuscript items.
Why do all the surfin yourself? You can get a list of all the LATEST Windows 95 shareware software at the following address:
better yet.... you can subscribe to the newsletter as follows:
To SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE to this mailing list send email to
[email protected]
with or as the SUBJECT line. No other text or message is necessary.
When I first began that newsletter I was hoping for perhaps 20 names on the distribution list within three months or so. Well, as things go, Paul tells Mary who tells Jane who tells ..... and now, the list is already exceeding one hundred and growing. The most amazing part of it all is that some Janes and Mary's are from new Zealand, Australia, and so on.... Simply amazing that Internet thing!
As always, don't hesitate to e-mail me your comments and, when possible, send me your 'finds' . Please include as much detail as possible and the URL address so I can check them out.
Till next time and, ....

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