Compunews Vol 1 No 10

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  • Hi everybody......

  • Hope this Christmas as a good one for you and your family. It certainly was for us. I just thought I'd let go with a last one for 95'. Hope you enjoy it.

    Find your buddies on the Net

  • One of the best Search Engines to find people on your list is the Four11.

  • Four11 can be found on the World Wide Web at


  • Although Four11 is a free service, before you can search through their ever-growing directory of over 2 million e-mail addresses, you first have to add your own e-mail address information into their database. You do this by clicking on "FIRST TIME USERS, CLICK HERE!" on the Four11 homepage.

  • Once registered in, and so that you don't have to reenter your personal e-mail information each and every time you access Four11, the folks at Four11 will send you an e-mail letter telling you what your personal Four11 password is. The letter will also give you a URL that uses this password to jump straight into Four11 anytime you want. I therefore suggest you bookmark this URL!).

    Read a Good Book Lately?

  • Each of the books found at the following address is written in the form of individual Web pages (with hyperlinks from chapter to chapter).


    Here is their complete library:

    * Bartlett, John. 1901. "Familiar Quotations, 9th ed."

    * Chapman, George, trans. 1857. "The Oddysseys of Homer"

    * Dickinson, Emily. 1896. "Poems"

    * Innaugural Addresses of the Presidents of the United States

    * Keats, John. 1884. "Poetical Works."

    * Melville, Herman. 1853. "Bartleby, the Scrivner. A Story of Wall Street."

    * Shelley, Percy Bysshe. 1901. "Complete Poetical Works."

    * Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. "The Elements of Style."

    * Whitman, Walt. 1900. "Leaves of Grass."

    * Wilde, Oscar. 1881. "Poems"

    * Wordsworth, William. 1888. "Complete Poetical Works."

    Norm Peterson quotes

  • A HUGE collection of Norm Peterson quotes can be found at :


    International Journal of Medicine

  • Got a question relating to Medicine? Go to:


  • There, you will find First-class papers and medical news online all under one roof.

  • The following publications can be found at that site: [Psychiatry On-line] [Dentistry On-line] [Medicine On-Line] [Family Medical Practice On-Line][Anaesthesia On-Line] [Vet On-Line] and [General Practice On-Line]


  • Following are sites of interest to anyone wishing to learn more about HTML publishing with some of the latest and best authoring tools.


  • A fully-functional version of Web Publisher--not a "demo" or a limited-function sampler of this fine program is available for evaluation for 30 days, so you can see whether it provides the power and functions you need to automate the creation and maintenance of your Web Site.



  • Here is a fast, friendly and flexible HTML editor for Windows*. With full featured help including HTML tag descriptions, and an easy-to-use validation system, Webber will help you create valid HTML documents quickly and easily. Webber is quickly moving to be the tool of choice for professionals who are serious about their HTML!



  • WebPen is an easy-to-use HTML editor that simplifies the authoring of web home pages. In addition to the common www elements, WebPen features special functions for colored bullets, e-mail, copyright notice, author's signature, etc. Get it at:


    WebEdit Version 1.4 Beta 2

  • Among its many strong points, WebEdit 1.4 includes a new built-in WYSIWYG previewer. This gives you the ability to see what your document will look like in a browser, but it is much simpler and faster than launching an external browser while you work.


    Get the GIF Construction Set

  • If you are into HTML writing, you need GIF Construction Set for Windows. This application is a powerful collection of tools to work with multiple-block GIF files. It will allow you to assemble GIF files containing image blocks, plain text blocks, comment blocks and control blocks. It includes facilities to manage palettes and merge multiple GIF files together. It will make the extensions of the GIF specification work for you. Among its other functions, GIF Construction Set for Windows can:

  • Create transparent GIF files.

  • Add, edit and delete comment blocks.

  • Add non-destructive text to images as plain text blocks.

  • Create multiple-image GIF files and simple animations.

  • Serve as a fully-compliant Windows GIF viewer application.

  • Be a GIF viewer "helper" application for a World Wide Web browser


    Some of the Best Sources Available

  • For some of the best sources on the subject, check the following....





    Last but not Least

  • If you collect dozens, or even hundreds, of bookmarks as you cruise the Net, you owe it to yourself to get a better Bookmark Editor. I will write more on that superb app in the next newsletter but in the meantime, get your hands on SmartMarks for Netscape. I cannot find the http site for now but I beleive you can get it from the Netscape site. It is called SM10R2.EXE This app makes bookmark editing a pleasure.... quick, easy and efficient.

  • That's it for now folks. Wishing you a Happy New Year, Health, Prosperity and lotsa happy surfin........


  • Remember....... if you have friends who share your interests and would like to be added to the list, do not hesitate to send me their address. I will gladly add them to the ever-growing list of our subscribers.

  • If you wish to submit an article, please do so. If you know of a good site you'd like to share with others, just send it in...... This newsletter is a joint effort, remember???

    Send comments or suggestions,

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