You can help me improve this newsletter simply by letting me know what you
would like to see in it. Don't be shy with your feedback; it only takes one click of the mouse to reach me via e-mail at [email protected].
I suggest you keep these newsletters in their own 'mailbox'. In this way,
you will have quick access to them whenever you wish to look at a past issue. As I expect to publish quite a few of them in the months to come, I will use the following scheme to keep things easy.
1.- each issue will be identified with the following code: VxNs (Volume #
Number #)
2.- each item will be consecutively numbered. Simple.....
In this way, should you ever wish to contact me about a certain article, you mention the VxNx and article # and voila!
One last thing: I have sent this issue to everyone on my list who is 'connected' to the net. Every new account will automatically be added, of course... Should you ever wish to be taken out of the distribution list, simply send me an e-mail stating so and poof.... it's gone! And now, on with the show....
1. Much of the efforts expanded in my surfing of the Net are listed in my
Homepage called OMEGA.HTM . This list is updated on a regular basis. As of this writing, the latest copy is dated 15 Aug 95. It can be found at the following address:
Check it out. If you are new to the Net, the OMEGA list should keep you
surfing for weeks and weeks.....
Where can I get software and where is the best place to get it?
Software is available at about 20,000 different locations on the Net. The
question is not so much where to get it but "how to get it". Following are some of the best sites to go to. They list the LATEST available software (ie: the latest uploads in past 30 days; the most popular uploads etc) and all categorized too.
You want games, you get ONLY latest games. Utils?... same thing. For someone
just beginning on the Net, this is the easiest way to go because you get them using Netscape (you are using Netscape, right?) Once you become more adept at the surfin, you can download more of them and faster by using FTP, but, that's a subject for an upcoming issue.
I don't want to teach anyone how to suck eggs but following is some instruction on how to load these addresses into Netscape and manage them: (I assume you are online when you do this and that you have EUDORA (or whatever mail reader you use) and Netscape up and running:
a) From Eudora, Highlight the address and copy it to clipboard (Control/C)
b) Switch to Netscape (ALT/TAB till you get there)
c) Click on OPEN (between FIND and IMAGES)
d) Put cursor in text window that just opened up and CLICK Control/V
e) You should see the address in the box. Click on the OPEN button in the
URL box.. The NETSCAPE LOGO should go a'flickin and A'ROLLIN, with a bit of luck, you should load the new Homepage.
f) If you like what you just loaded and would like to go back to it later,
save it for later. Click on BOOKMARKS and then click on ADD A BOOKMARK (or as a shortcut, press
Shareware Galore http://vsl.cnet.com/
SimTel Windows Mirror http://www.acs.oakland.edu/oak
Latest News (Daily) http://www2.nando.net/nt/world
Bookmark this page, and check back to see their latest programs, or other
popular shareware applications -- all available for download with a simple click.
This should do it for the first issue. In future issues, I will mention some of the hottest utilities (ie: timers so you can keep track of your on-line time; Real-Audio players etc etc) and where you can get those goodies. Please, let me know a) what you think of this newsletter and b) your preferences so I can better serve you. Adios for now!
If you have enjoyed this newsletter and you know of cyberpals who would also like to receive it, please forward this copy to them. They might even thank you for the thought!